Monday, November 15, 2010

Today was a weird day!

Today was a weird day. Ya, I know it was a Monday and Mondays can be a drag.

First off it was a indecision day. Was it going to rain, snow, or just be dull and depressing?

As the day progressed I could feel the energy just being sucked out of me. It was weird.
I wasn’t out late last night; I got a good night's sleep. Why did I feel my power cell was running on empty.

I struggled from one chore to another until I thought the day would never end. I got things accomplished but at what price. I was looking forward to sitting at my computer this evening. Now I would be happy to just sleep at my computer.

If I have problems I try and winkle out what caused it. That way maybe I can prevent it happening again.
If I can’t find the root cause, I am doomed to repeat it.

After serious consideration, sitting here at the keyboard trying to keep my head up, I think I have it.

Atmospheric pressure change. I have not checked the weather but there must be a big change coming. Either we are going into a strong high or a drag you down low.

I use to think a low moving into the area had a bad effect but now believe it can be either way. As we get older our body reacts more to changes around us but we are too stupid to understand why.

Now that I have put the finger on the problem I plan to coast through the rest of the day and wait for the weather to settle down and make its mind up. I feel better already. It has nothing to do with getting older.

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