Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ground Blizzard

It is official, we are experiencing a ground blizzard.

Strong cold winds in excess of 35 mph, blowing snow with visibility from zero to 50 feet, but no fresh snowfall worth mentioning.

Snowshoeing on the woods trail was not too bad as the trees broke the strong north wind. I did notice three Blue Jays and three Hairy Woodpeckers taking shelter along the south edge of the woods.

This is my third trip and because of fresh snow the trail needed packing down again.

Yesterday, accompanied by the dog, we broke trail to the north about half a mile and then turned around and headed back home. That was an enjoyable trip compared to today.

This time we broke a brand new trail to the western edge of the woods. The closer we got the stronger the wind and blowing snow. At the edge of the trees the wind had built up the soft snow almost three feet high so it was a bit of struggle to get up and over it. The dog tried then gave up and waited for me to break a trail.

I thought I would be able to get a photo of the snow blowing across the open fields but it was a complete white out. Instead I took a shot facing south so the wind was behind me. The photo fails to define the strong wind battering my back, filled with driving snow, seeking any opening in my coat.

The resulting photo has more merit in showing what you can’t see, rather than what you see. The wind was so strong and cold, the digital camera shut down, so we quickly retreated back into the woods.

 Even the dog was happy to get out of the wind and back on the trail home.

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